How to program optical PTZ speed dome camera, ip camera, security camera
Please download the latest copy of the program manual for the PTZ dome camera from the following link:
How To Upgrade The Firmware Via Internet Browsers
NOTICE: After you upgrade the firmware on your camera, the system will set back to the factory default. For example, the camera username and password will go back to the factory default. 1. Download firmware from and save the updated firmware on your computer.2. Find your camera IP address3. Enter the camera IP address … Continue Reading
How Milestone XProtect management client 2024 r1 works Microseven IP Cameras – updated 10.20.2024
Step 1: Go to “Recording Servers” to “Add Hardware”, select the “Manual” option, and click “Next.” Step 2: Add Microseven camera “User name” and “Password”, then click “Next” Step 3: Select “Universal 1 channel driver”, then click “Next”. Step 4: Enter the Microseven camera IP address and port “554”, select “Hardware model” to “Universal 1 … Continue Reading
how to change the billing informaiton
Step 1: Go to “Cloud Record Settings” and click it. Step2: Click “Billing Settings…” on the Cloud Record Settings page. Now you can edit the information and save it.
how to setup gmail as smtp server to send an alert email
Step 1: Go to “CAMERA” and then “Email Settings”: Enter the field information: SMTP server name: Server port: 465 Encrypt type: SSL Photo size: XL Authentication: On Username: It is your Gmail address Password: This is an app password from your Gmail account. See “Step 2” to get an App password. Sender: It is … Continue Reading
how to fix M7D4MP-PTZ4X-WPSAA ptz camara image orientation
Step 1: Go to, then go to “Download”, “Firmware & Software”. Find the app “Microseven PTZ camera image orientation fix” and download it to your PC. Step 2: Use “Cam Locator” app to find the camera IP address. Step 3: Run the “Microseven PTZ camera image orientation fix” on your PC,
how to post your live stream to youtube
1 Open the cam locator on the Windows computer, highlight the camera, and click on “network setup”: 2 Click on “setup RTMP”: 3 Fill the RTMP information:
how to set up auto tracking on a 14x PTZ camera
There are three buttons on the left screen to control the auto-tracking feature. 1- Click on the “set home” button to position the camera as a guard spot. When tracking is completed, the camera will return to this spot. 2- Click ON to turn it on or OFF to stop auto-tracking. 3- If a person … Continue Reading
how to make the 4mp ptz camera home position during the installation
1 Line of the home position. This model HOME position is pre-made in the factory. 2. You can click on HOME on the web browser control panel, click it, and move the camera to the home position.
how to extract certificate and private key from pfx file
1. Extract the private key and certificate from the PFX file to a PEM file: “c:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.exe” pkcs12 -in -nodes -out mail-2024.pem if the error, you can go “c:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.exe” pkcs12 -in -nodes -out mail-2024.pem -legacy 2. Extract the private key from the PEM file: c:\Program Files\OpenSSL-Win64\bin\openssl.exe” rsa -in mail-2024.pem -out mail-2024.key 3. … Continue Reading
set home and turn on smart tracking on 4mp ptz camera
You open the camera web interface and move the camera to the position you want to set as the START-POINT position. Then you go to the menu “MOTION RECORD” -> “Smart Tracking” You will select On either or both, and click on “SAVE.” The camera will do an auto-tracking feature.
4mp ptz camera ptz control commands
4mp ptz camera pan, tilt, and zoom commands go left: http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-step=0&-speed=8&-act=left go right: http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-step=0&-speed=8&-act=right go up: http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-step=0&-speed=8&-act=up go down: http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-step=0&-speed=8&-act=down to stop: http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-step=0&-speed=8&-act=stop go to home position http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-step=0&-speed=8&-act=home zoom out http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-step=0&-speed=8&-act=zoomout zoom in http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-step=0&-speed=8&-act=zoomin horizontal scan http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-step=0&-speed=8&-act=hscan vertical scan http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/ptzctrl.cgi?-step=0&-speed=8&-act=vscan preset (-number=[preset number-1]) http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/param.cgi?cmd=preset&-act=set&-status=1&-number=1 recall (-number=[preset number-1]) http://ip_addr/cgi-bin/hi3510/param.cgi?cmd=preset&-act=goto&-status=1&-number=1
how to change the camera username and password in cms
How to change the camera’s username and password in CMS 1. Go to click on “Add/Remove Cam…” 2. Highlight the camera and double-click on the highlight 3. Change the camera username and password 4. Click on “Edit” after you fill out the new username and password
How to disable (red/yellow) frame on the live video feed
How to disable the (red/yellow) frame on the live video feed: On the browser, click on the “MOTION RECORD” menu. Go to uncheck “Turn on the tracking display (yellow frame or red spot)” Then click on “Apply” to save the change.
How to set Microseven NVR
How to set Microseven NVR
How to set a free cloud for 14 days for four cameras
How to set a free cloud for 14 days for four cameras 1. Log in to, go to “My Camera” and select “Cloud Record Settings” in the main menu. 2. Click the button “Add plan for 4 cams…”. 3. Select “14 Days Free Trial”.
How to fix PTZ camera orientation settings
How to fix PTZ camera orientation settings. If you move the ptz camera in the the opposite direction or upside down, you can fix it. Download the tool from On your Windows computer, install the tool and follow the 4-step guide. Enter the PTZ camera IP address Enter the PTZ camera’s username Enter the … Continue Reading
14x optical PTZ network camera firmware updates (4k/8mp and 5mp hardware)
Firmware updates (1/11/2024): Model: M7D5MP-PTZV14X-WPSAA Model: M7D4K-PTZV14X-WPSAA Firmware name: MYM75MP-HX-PTZ20X-DL-F1.0.12.pkg (1/11/2024) MYM74K-HX-PTZ20X-DL-F1.0.12.pkg (1/11/2024) Update the common command usage and make it on the control panel for the button to click. 1. Setup the patrol: “PATROL 30 pos”: you can use the camera to patrol from one spot to another. The maximum number of spots is … Continue Reading
ECCN and HS code for Microseven network cameras
ECCN: EAR99 HS for USA: 8525.80.40 HS for EU: 8525.89.00 No encryption in the firmware. Request from
How can I flip the screen orientation of the PTZ camera both vertically and horizontally?
How can I flip the screen orientation of the M7D4MP-PTZ4X-WPSAA camera both vertically and horizontally? find the camera IP address using cam loctor access the camera from browser, enter the camera IP address after access the camera (login username, and password), go to menu VIDEO -> “Display Setup” find two boxes flip and mirror, by … Continue Reading